Client: Grass TV
Agency: Talent
Designer: Seif El Degwi
Country: Kuwait
Year: November, 2008

Featured in Media Week magazine. 16th of November 2008. Page: 34.

I almost forgot to mention this movie poster “Forfeit” the guy has a TV head!!!

Client: Al Ghanim Industries
Agency: Impact & Echo BBDO
Country: Kuwait
Year: from the advertised models it is a couple of years back
The same concept/art direction was used back in 1991 by Alpha Boushahri for BKME in Kuwait.
Letterhead & Logo Design 11. Publisher: Rockport.
By the way, our work (Paragon Marketing Communications) is featured in this book
A cliché is a bankrupt idea because it is over used, even though it is commonly understood.

Client: BKME – Bank of Kuwait and the Middle East
Agency: Alpha
Country: Kuwait
Year: 1995.
Yup, that is me in my modeling days.