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Advertising Agency: FP7 DOHA

Country: QATAR

Creative Director: Fadi Yaish Copywriter: Mohamed Diaa Art Director: Maged Nassar Photographer: Allen Dang – Wizard Photography Illustrator: Karen Account Supervisor: Charbel Mizher


Special thanks to sender.

This copy-cat was awarded both the Gold print campaign and Gold outdoor campaign at the 2009 Dubai Lynx! and the copy-cat agency is 2009 “Agency of the year” what a shame.

Lateral Thinking: When a low probability line of thought leads to an effective idea, there is a “Eureka” moment and at once the low-probability approach acquires the highest probability. – Edward De Bono. Excerpt from a book by John Townsend & Jacques Favier titled The Creative Manager’s Pocketbook. Page: 2. ISBN: 1-870471-69-5.

A copycat is a person that mimics or repeats the behavior of another. The term is often derogatory, suggesting a lack of originality. The expression may derive from kittens that learned by imitating the behaviors of their mothers. – Wikipedia.

Plagiarism: The abuse of another’s original work by copying it and passing it off as one’s own. As defined in Alastair Campbell book titled The Designer’s Lexicon. Page: 293 ISBN: 0-304-35505-4.

“Imitation is the sincerest form of thievery” excerpt from a book by Capsule titled Design Matters. Page: 84. ISBN -13:978-1-59253-341-1.

The following is a good example of communicating the same idea (very fast delivery) but with a new execution.

A piece of transparent PVC paper will be placed into a magazine and will be printed a DHL worker on both side. Therefore, when you turn the paper the worker can deliver the express mail to no matter Chinese or Japanese customers. By doing this, the fast and reliable international express mail service can be embodied.

AgencyShanghai J&J Advertising, China Creative Director: Aaron Cheng Copywriter: Chen Rui


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